Thursday, October 27, 2016

A job I would like to have

Hello everyone!
Today I'll write about an specific job that I would like to have, but before I'd like to mention some things about some jobs that I have had in the past.
I have had many jobs, and the most part are different between they. One time I worked as a promotora of chilean cheeses, also like a cashier in a roasted chicken store, even I worked as a executive in a call-center. Unfortunately, that jobs didn't like me. But, since the last year I work in different things related with the teaching. Last year I worked teaching maths to ten-years-old children in a school located en La Pintana, also I began to work as a teacher assistant in an institute of financial studies, in math and statistics, in addition I began to work at the Planetarium of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. With all of that, I realize that I love to teach, no matter what, math, statistics, things related to astronomy, everything. So, I decided study physics in the future, to make classes in highs chool. I think that teach would be my dreamed job. Well, also I love sociology, so, if I can teach physics in half time, and be sociologist in half time, that would be perfect.

But, I have to say that I always want to be astronaut, and go to Mars, and float in the air :)


  1. Wow, it will be interesting mix the physic with the sociology :o

  2. I think that teach is very amazing, is a great job

  3. The best teachers are those who have a vocation for teaching. Is beautiful
