Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A good friend

I love my friends, with them I shared many of the most important moments. I think in Daniela, Valeria, Emilio, Carla, Carla, Gloria, Ignacio. But now I will talk about Valeria.
I had to change from elementary school after eighth grade, and began the high school in 2010 at Colegio San Agustín de El Bosque, there I met Valeria Vergara. We were 14 or 15 years old, and very quickly, we became good friends, I don't remember exactly how, but we start to sat together for every class. 
For the four years of high school, we always be together. After high school, we didn't see frecuently, because of the university. But in 2012, everything change, we became very close, more than ever, until now we are inseparable. 
She is really smart and nice, has a kind heart and is really beautiful. She always have a smile for every person. 
We do many thing together, and the most part of them we do with Daniela Sapiaín, the third part of our friendship. In 2014, we went to Perú and Ecuador for a month. Some times we went to see Illapu, Inti Illimani and Los Jaivas concerts. That is something we have in common, our music likes, and movie likes. I love both.

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