Thursday, October 27, 2016

A job I would like to have

Hello everyone!
Today I'll write about an specific job that I would like to have, but before I'd like to mention some things about some jobs that I have had in the past.
I have had many jobs, and the most part are different between they. One time I worked as a promotora of chilean cheeses, also like a cashier in a roasted chicken store, even I worked as a executive in a call-center. Unfortunately, that jobs didn't like me. But, since the last year I work in different things related with the teaching. Last year I worked teaching maths to ten-years-old children in a school located en La Pintana, also I began to work as a teacher assistant in an institute of financial studies, in math and statistics, in addition I began to work at the Planetarium of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. With all of that, I realize that I love to teach, no matter what, math, statistics, things related to astronomy, everything. So, I decided study physics in the future, to make classes in highs chool. I think that teach would be my dreamed job. Well, also I love sociology, so, if I can teach physics in half time, and be sociologist in half time, that would be perfect.

But, I have to say that I always want to be astronaut, and go to Mars, and float in the air :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


At the moment, I'm not reading something but academic stuffs and the texts for some subjects. But, a few months ago I left a book unfinished, and I want to finish when I would be able to do that.
I'm talking about a Markus Zusak book called "The Book Thief". It's a novel and narrate the experiences of an orphan girl in a german town, who has to pass through difficult circumstances, in the middle of the nazi regimen. She is adopted by an old couple, and I fell in love with them, because they have some extraordinary personalities.
I like this book for many reasons. The first one, is because of the protagonist, her name is Liesel Meminger, she loses her parents because of political reasons, they were communists, and loses her little brother for hunger. Even with all this suffering, she is really brave and determined. She makes many things that I could never do, so I felt so inspired by her bravery. She is interesting, because she prefere stole books but food. Also, I love her parents, Rosa Hubermann is a difficult woman, with a strong caracter, but a kind heart. And Hans Hubermann is the best man in the world, and he really loves his new doughter, they relationship is really beautiful.
There is a movie based on this book, and Geoffrey Rush personify Hans Hubermann, I love that.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A good friend

I love my friends, with them I shared many of the most important moments. I think in Daniela, Valeria, Emilio, Carla, Carla, Gloria, Ignacio. But now I will talk about Valeria.
I had to change from elementary school after eighth grade, and began the high school in 2010 at Colegio San Agustín de El Bosque, there I met Valeria Vergara. We were 14 or 15 years old, and very quickly, we became good friends, I don't remember exactly how, but we start to sat together for every class. 
For the four years of high school, we always be together. After high school, we didn't see frecuently, because of the university. But in 2012, everything change, we became very close, more than ever, until now we are inseparable. 
She is really smart and nice, has a kind heart and is really beautiful. She always have a smile for every person. 
We do many thing together, and the most part of them we do with Daniela Sapiaín, the third part of our friendship. In 2014, we went to Perú and Ecuador for a month. Some times we went to see Illapu, Inti Illimani and Los Jaivas concerts. That is something we have in common, our music likes, and movie likes. I love both.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


I have recived many especial presents in my life, in my family we tried to make especial and authentic gifts each other. Thats why is difficult for me choose just one. But, if I have to do that, i would choose a book that my brother gaves to me.
I have just one brother, he is older than me for nine years, his name is Gerardo, but I like to call him Peko. I can't remember what was the occasion for the present, I think that was an ordinay day, but I was impressed really much. The prezzie was a book of Mario Benedetti, Inventario 1 (Inventory 1). Mario Benedetti (1920-2009) was an uruguayan poet and novelist, but he made many other things related to literature, like review, comic strip, among others. He is my favourite writer, I love his poems, stories and novels. I remember to have mention it a few times, so, when my brother gaves me Inventario, I was really surprised.
The Inventarios of his poetry are very difficult to find because they are discontinued, in fact, my brother must have to visit many places until find it.

I think that Mario is a great writer, and use a colloquial languaje, so any person can enjoy his poems and stories.
Now, I have my book on a shelf in my bedroom. I love my brother, he is the best <3