Thursday, September 29, 2016

A place I would like to visit

Hello, today I would write about a place that I would like to visit. There is many places that I consider really interesting to visit, but, if I have to choose just one, I think that I prefer to go to Samoa. 
Samoa is an island located in Polinesia, between Hawai and New Zeland. It's a paradisiacal place, have some beautiful beaches, with white sand and big palms. But the landscape isn't the one thing that I'd like to know, also the culture is interesting in my opinion. There is an anthropologist, called Margaret Mead, who visit that country and investigate the meaning that the people gives to adolescent ladies and her private life, and how they (adolescent ladies) understand her own sexuality. 
Her discoveries are in a book called "Coming of age in Samoa". She founds that the teenager had higher self-esteem than american teen, and many other interesting things. Then she stays in Samoa for a while.
When I knew about her, I had the idea to go there sometime if I can. I would like to stay there for two or three months, and go all over the country.
Also, I would like to know Turkey, Greece and Italy, and finish to go over Chile. 


  1. Hello!
    I hope that you can to visit Samoa, is a picture very beautiful and I think is a place of peace.
    I Wish read of Margaret Mead, I remember that is very interesting.

  2. I don`t know this place, but after read your post I think is a very beatiful place to visit. Some day you can visit this place, regards!

  3. holy sheet.... that place, man!! *-*!! it's a paradise!! those waters look sooo nice!! now I want to go too!

  4. the photo is very atractive. Now I want to met Samoa too. I need it!
