Thursday, December 15, 2016


Today, I'll write this as an interview jaja

What your ambition is:
Ambitions means two things, the first one, is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. And also, means just a desire and determination. I don’t like that word, I prefer to use just expectations.
In my case, I really want to be a Singer, famous or not. That’s the reason that I’m starting a karaoke Singer career.
Why you would like to achieve this ambition:
Because of my fans, at the moment I have just one, but I think that in the future I could have more. That’s the reason why.
Who or what inspired your ambition:
Since I was a child, I always admired Luis Jara and “Little Shine”, in Spanish you can call her Lucerito.
What it would mean to you to fulfil your ambition:
It means to me a lot, if only I can reach the ego of Lucho, and the voice of Little shine, i could be the best artist in the whole world
Mention anything else you think is important:
Actually, Luis hosted the matinal TV show Mucho gusto. But a long time ago, Luis made an interview to robbie Williams, a famous Singer, and made it in a very bad english language. I really dont want to talk like him, or Luis Pinto or Carlitos Tevez. That motivates me to learn English, and make my dreams come true.

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