Thursday, December 15, 2016

My semester

Hello everyone!!

Today we have the possibility of choose the topic we will write about, so I will write about my semester in general, because I need to take that feelings out.

At first, I'll talk about the unusual way to start it. The last semester we, as students, had a two-month strike, so we finished it late, that’s way the authorities of the university eliminate the winter holidays. That’s the reason we start this semester without the appropriate rest. So, I begin this semester really tired, besides, the last semester I had to make many exams, so I only had two days for rest, just a weekend.

From that, everything goes with difficulties. Also, I worked and be teacher assistant, and take seven subjects, so the semester begins to turned really complicate.

Everything was going similar to others semesters, until I took a job for a week in full time modality, from then everything turned black jajaja because I had to postpone some homework, so they was accumulating, making this worst for me. After my participation in this job, I fell sick of everything was possible jaja, and that makes me miss some classes, and continue postponing and accumulating more things.

From then, I begin to resist everything in the better way I could. Now, I still have to do some evaluations, and I am failing one subject L for the first time in the career. I`m tired and hating the university, I just want to watch movies and tv series, like The Walking Dead, Narcos or Breaking Bad.

Everything was like a snow ball, and I felt desperate like never before. But I learned many things, like is more important to care my health, and enjoy the time with my family and friends, and, obviously learn to organize better my time and activities.

The good things that happened was: I turned better in my job, I won a scholarship to do a semester in Spain the next year, my investigation in Qualitative Methods, realize that I’m stronger than I thought and became couple with my best friend <3 jaja  

"I'm fine, totally fine. I don't know why it's coming out loud and  squeaky, 'cause really, I'm fine"

Last practice

I'll write later


Today, I'll write this as an interview jaja

What your ambition is:
Ambitions means two things, the first one, is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. And also, means just a desire and determination. I don’t like that word, I prefer to use just expectations.
In my case, I really want to be a Singer, famous or not. That’s the reason that I’m starting a karaoke Singer career.
Why you would like to achieve this ambition:
Because of my fans, at the moment I have just one, but I think that in the future I could have more. That’s the reason why.
Who or what inspired your ambition:
Since I was a child, I always admired Luis Jara and “Little Shine”, in Spanish you can call her Lucerito.
What it would mean to you to fulfil your ambition:
It means to me a lot, if only I can reach the ego of Lucho, and the voice of Little shine, i could be the best artist in the whole world
Mention anything else you think is important:
Actually, Luis hosted the matinal TV show Mucho gusto. But a long time ago, Luis made an interview to robbie Williams, a famous Singer, and made it in a very bad english language. I really dont want to talk like him, or Luis Pinto or Carlitos Tevez. That motivates me to learn English, and make my dreams come true.